Join with us Become PREMIUM JOBSEEKER MEMBER now,
then you will get updated information about job vacancies in hospitality Bali
Regularly every day. By joining our PREMIUM MEMBER, you will be able to post your resume/CV in our website online as our database. The employers will see your resume or CV that published online in our website. Then, if the employers interested in your resume/CV, they will contact you for further interviews without applying and sending them your resume/CV.
For this PREMIUM MEMBER, we can offer you as below:
1. Silver Membership - IDR 100,000; - 6 months membership offers you to post your resume/CV online in our website.
- We will send your resume to more than 1000 hospitality industries in Bali specially and also around Indonesia.
- The employers will see your resume/CV in our website regularly. If they are interested in your resume/CV and qualifications, they will contact you straight away for the further interviews.
- Your resume/CV in our website will be completed by your recent photograph.
- If you would like to apply manually to other employers, you can copy and paste your resume/CV's link in our website into your email application.
- 12 months membership offers you to post your resume/CV online in our website.
- We will send your resume to more than 1000 hospitality industries in Bali specially and also around Indonesia.
- The employers will see your resume/CV in our website regularly. If they are interested in your resume/CV and qualifications, they will contact you straight away for the further interviews.
- Your resume/CV in our website will be completed by your recent photograph.
- If you would like to apply manually to other employers, you can copy and paste your resume/CV's link in our website into your email application.
Note: resume/CV can be in Microsoft Word, JPG/JPEG, or PDF format.
If you interested to join our PREMIUM JOBSEEKER MEMBERSHIP, please contact us by email to or
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