Free Employer Membership

KarirHotelier.Com is free hotelier jobs portal that provides free information on hospitality jobs, especially in Bali – Indonesia. KarirHotelier.Com is very pleased to invite the employers to join with us.
Employers can post updated hospitality job vacancies at KarirHotelier.Com for free using our FREE MEMBERSHIP

This membership allow you to post 1 job advertisement in a week completed with your company's logo, please send your company logo in jpg, jpeg, or png format to our email. 

Then if you would like to post more than 1 job advertisments in a week, you need to use our PREMIUM JOB ADVERTISE or you can choose our PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP with some advantages.  You need to register firstly to post your latest jobs for FREE by click here . It means you are totally free of charge to post your job vacancies and the candidates will contact you directly. We will review your jobs detail and it will be published at KarirHotelier.Com within 24 hours. Your job will be sent to emails of our registered members automatically by our system everyday at 8 and 9 AM regularly.
KarirHotelier.Com hope that can help you to find qualified candidates that can join with your wonderful team. Please send your detail jobs vacancies in Microsoft Word format to our email or
Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us by email to We will be pleased to assist you. Look forward to post your updated jobs opening at
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